Thoughts on Stewardship – June 2016

Is there some part of our life together in this Beloved Community that really matters to you?  Have you ever thought about what you can do, personally, to help support this aspect of TJMC?

  • Perhaps you love the music in our sanctuary on Sunday mornings – you could sing with the choir or, if you play an instrument, talk with Scott about playing some Sunday.
  • Perhaps it’s the power and passion of our young people – you could volunteer to help out with our Children’s and Youth RE program. There are lots of roles to play, so talk with Leia Durland-Jones, our Director of Faith Development to find one that’s right for you.  And you can do this even if you’re not a parent with a child attending RE!
  • Perhaps you care about the financial health of the congregation – if you haven’t already pledged you can do that, of course (and easily, right on our website!), or you could help out with one of our fundraisers, suggest ideas for new revenue streams to our Revenue Task Force, see if you could add something to our Finance Committee, serve as a depositor, or consider serving on the Board.
  • Perhaps it’s the beauty of our building that touches you – there’s a “job jar” in the Church Office with projects big and small that you could take on for yourself; there are regular work parties you could join in on, and there’s a Campus Management Committee that could also help direct you to something you can do.
  • Perhaps it’s the way we care for one another – you could sign on to be a Carenet volunteer, or look into joining our lay Pastoral Visitors program, or simply join a Covenant Group (which creates deep connection for many of us).

These are, of course, just a few ideas.  What is it that you care about, that touches you most deeply, and how can you support this part of our congregational life?  Something to think about.  If you would like to be in touch with the Stewardship Team with an idea for ways we can promote a more full understanding of stewardship in our community and encourage more of our members and friends to be active stewards, send a note to RevWik (