November Art Show “Understanding and Healing”

GerriAnne Huey discovered painting as a recovery tool in her mental health journey. “I didn’t begin with a passion for art — art found me.

I believe that creativity began to grow in me at a time when I was going through a personal life challenge and beginning to crack; a bit of light was let in and a bit of artistry poured out one evening onto a canvas. My first painting was an “Ah Ha!” moment. Painting then became part of my mental health journey. This show is a visual discussion of mental health and the importance of talking about it, the need for self-care, and the knowledge that we are perfectly imperfect. This is a story of grief, brokenness, hope, learning to love oneself, forgiveness, shame, failings, courage, and joy in working toward mastery of the complexities of life. It is about pulling from all of your resources and all the life lessons set in your path, and making something beautiful. Today, I am still living with depression. But through the process of art, I am able to find peace and contentment in my perfect imperfection.”