April 3, 2016: Creativity at the Core

Read the Order of Service.

Creativity is at the core of who we are as human beings, and our Unitarian Universalist faith encourages us to affirm one another’s inherent worth.  RevWik will be preaching.

Our Social Justice Spotlight will be on ForEver Green.

Sunday, April 3 will be a multigenerational gathering; there will be no Religious Education classes held.  Children 5 and over will be warmly invited to join us in the sanctuary for this week’s worship.  Childcare will be provided for children aged 4 and younger.  Sanctuary activity packets will be provided for children and will be located near the main doors to the sanctuary and next to the stairs to the balcony.  Regular RE classes will resume on Sunday, April 10.

Celebrating Service: TJMC has a long tradition of honoring a member whose contributions and service to this community go well beyond the expected and into the realm of the remarkable.  And, so, we remark on them when presenting the Connie Cheetham Award (named after a woman who personified this kind of selfless service).  This year’s recipient will be honored during our Sunday sanctuary service on April 3rd.  That’s this Sunday.  Make sure to be here to find out who it is, and to add your “thank you.”