Like so many things, there are deep roots to Mother’s Day (and yes, the placement of that apostrophe after the “r” and before the “s” is important to story). During the 19th century, there have been several attempts by women’s peace groups to establish a holiday which celebrated peace, rather than war.  It was not uncommon, for […]

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April 23, 2017: Communal Renewal

As we consider the very real threats to our beloved Earth, it’s easy to get discouraged and overwhelmed. Instead, let us observe Earth Day by renewing both our spirits and our resolve with our annual flower communion. Bring a flower to help fill our sanctuary with beauty and our hearts with hope.

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April 24, 2016: Earth Day

Worship for April 2016: “What does it mean to be a people of creation?” Read the Order of service. Please note: April is designated as “Jazz Appreciation Month,” so make sure to appreciate our own jazz master, Scott DeVeaux! April 24th: Earth Day, first commemorated in the United States in 1970, is now celebrated in 192 […]

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